ELIX Polymers gives AECC a check for 1,050 euro


ELIX Polymers gives AECC a check for 1,050 euro

ELIX Polymers, a world leading thermoplastics manufacturer, has launched ADN ELIX, a series of highly motivational conferences and testimonies designed to give meaning to the daily work that is carried out by their collaborators.

28-time world champion David Meca was a speaker at the first session. For each person that connected to the conference, ELIX donated €10 to the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) of Tarragona, raising a total of €1,050.

The raised funds are used by the Association to help cancer patients and their families by offering them financial aid, psychological counselling and physical therapy care for free as well as orthoprosthesis and investing in research.

“The pandemic has changed our lives and preferences, but not our desire to continue supporting associations such as the AECC. At ELIX, we search for meaningful initiatives that allow us to join together and not leave anyone behind”, affirms Sergi Pérez, Head of People & Internal Communication.
