Contribution to the local economy


Contribution to the local economy

We aspire to be a business with a positive impact on its local environment and throughout the entire value chain, one that contributes to improving the overall well-being of all the parts of society we have an effect on.

With our community support program we hope to have a positive impact on the communities our business directly or indirectly affects. We will work to reduce inequalities, promote healthy habits, restore local ecosystems and ultimately become an inclusive business, in this way contributing to society as a whole.

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Objectives for 2030

  • Improve ELIX's contribution to local communities throughout the value chain.
  • Contribute to the preservation and regeneration of local ecosystems.


  • Understanding NGO ecosystems and civil society associations in ELIX's local environment.
  • Opportunities to collaborate with customers and interested local parties to create a catalogue capable of contributing to community development.
  • Encourage those who collaborate with ELIX to take part in initiatives that benefit the local community.
  • Locally restore lost coastal and fluvial ecosystems, in collaboration with local interested parties or administration.

We contribute to the local economy

We contribute to making the local economy more dynamic by hiring local suppliers from Tarragona and Catalonia, and also by offering stable employment to 94% local area and collaborating with local organisations of a social nature



55,87 % of our expenditure goes to suppliers in Catalonia.


We support social initiatives in our immediate environment

Our commitment to people goes beyond our collaborators. We generate promotional activities and support social initiatives in our local environment, some of which have been stable and constant for several years.

Our efforts help to make our community more dynamic, with solidarity-focused initiatives such as those we carried out in 2021.

Toy collection campaign “Your rights at stake”.
ELIX joined the toy collection campaign "Your rights at stake", organized by the Red Cross Youth aimed at providing boys and girls in the province of Tarragona with a non-violent and non-sexist toy during the Christmas holidays.

CorAvant Congenital Heart Foundation.
Once again, Elix collaborated with the CorAvant foundation, whose mission is to respond to the social needs of people with congenital heart disease, promote awareness of this pathology in society and promote non-clinical research in institutions.

Tarragona Food Bank.
In the survey to choose the Christmas hamper, ELIX gave its employees the opportunity to donate the equivalent value of the hamper to a non-profit organization. The donation was made to the Tarragona Food Bank Foundation, an organization of voluntaries that helps thousands of vulnerable people in that province.

DHIDES Association.
On the occasion of the second edition of ELIX DNA, a series of motivational conferences whose mission is to reinforce its DNA as a company, ELIX made a financial donation for each conference attendee to the DHIDES Association, aimed at helping to eradicate social inequalities and improving the quality of life of citizens through equal opportunities.

Christmas Fair – La Canonja town council.
Once again, last year ELIX contributed with a donation for the Christmas Fair organized by La Canonja town council to create a space of fun and entertainment for children and their families.

Donation of IT equipment.
ELIX Polymers collaborated with the Rovira i Virgili University, the Quilòmetre Zero association and the Todos en Azul association with a donation of 26 laptops and 12 printers.

Wish Tree - Vila-seca Care Home.
The company created a Wish Tree for the 2022 Christmas holidays. A charitable initiative aimed at collecting and fulfilling the dreams of all the elderly residents at the aforementioned care home. The initiative involved the installation of three Christmas trees in ELIX’s offices, one virtual and two physical, made up of cards with the name and wishes of each person at the care home. The company’s employees took it upon themselves to make these wishes come true by buying a gift for each of them.

Cerebral Palsy Provincial Association of Tarragona (APPC) - Foundation La Muntanyeta.
ELIX Polymers made a donation to this non-profit organization dedicated to the comprehensive care of children and adults affected by cerebral palsy in the province of Tarragona. The company made this donation on the occasion of the 2nd ELIX-Sant Jordi Short Story Contest 2022 and gave all participants a charity bookmark, designed by hand by people with cerebral palsy from the Trèvol Care Home (Tarragona).

In 2022 we have provided financial contributions to local entities for a total of €13,180

Awakening interest in science and technology

  • Inspira STEAM project:

    ELIX, as part of its volunteering initiatives, participates in the Inspira STEAM project of the University of Deusto, through the Rovira i Virgili University. Inspira STEAM is a pioneering project that fosters interest in scientific-technological careers among women, based on raising awareness and career guidance actions voluntarily given by professionals from the world of research, science and technology. During the 2021-2022 academic year, a total of eight ELIX employees participated as mentors, allowing girls and boys in the 6th grade of primary education from different schools in the province of Tarragona to gain first-hand experience of their day-to-day work.

  • Repte Experimenta Programme:

    ELIX collaborates with this project through a collaboration agreement with the Rovira i Virgili University Foundation. Repte Experimenta is a training programme aimed at awakening interest in scientific careers among boys and girls in the first and second years of ESO (aged between 11 and 13 years). ELIX Polymers offers financial and active support for the programme: we are scientific sponsors of a group of students and of the awards.


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