ELIX Polymers launches E-LOOP brand for Circular Economy activities
ELIX Polymers, a global leader in specialised styrenic-based thermoplastics, has put all of its Circular Economy activities under a new brand name, E-LOOP.
The company made the transition towards a circular economy a pillar of its business strategy several years ago. The E-LOOP brand will in future represent all of its circular innovations and solutions for more sustainable business.
“E-LOOP includes two strategic programmes of ELIX Sustainable Portfolio Solutions – Circular Plastics and Responsible Innovation,” said Toni Prunera, Head of Business Development and R&D /IP at ELIX Polymers, at the unveiling of the new brand.
“The E-LOOP brand reinforces ELIX's commitment to achieving a more sustainable world. This is a commitment, not only in changing our own organisation to meet the challenges of the Circular Economy, but also to helping our customers and partners achieve their sustainability goals.”
In the Circular Economy, collaborations with other companies are crucial in developing new business models and creating new circular solutions in which plastic waste is seen as a raw material for new high demanding applications, Prunera said. ELIX Polymers is already member of several important industry sustainability initiatives, including Plast2bCleaned and Styrenics Circular Solutions.
In the Plast2bCleaned project, companies along the value chain, together with research organisations, are developing a safe and economic recycling process for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) plastics containing flame retardants. Styrenics Circular Solutions (SCS) is a joint industry initiative geared to the acceleration of styrenics recycling through innovative technologies and partner-driven solutions.
ELIX Polymers will continue to develop a more sustainable product portfolio. One means to this end is by increasing the amount of recycled material in its products. The company is working on several mechanically recycled products that will have the same level of functionality in the final customer applications as virgin materials. This is being made possible thanks to close cooperation with key-customers and a profound understanding of the requirements of each market segment.
ELIX is also the first producer of ABS and ABS-based materials in the world to obtain the ISCC PLUS certification, for its production facility in Tarragona, Spain. ISCC (International Sustainability & Carbon Certification) is a globally applicable sustainability certification system and covers all sustainable feedstocks, including circular and bio-based materials and renewables.
“This is an important milestone for ELIX Polymers,” said Prunera. “The establishment of the E-LOOP brand name will make a positive contribution to our Circular Economy strategy in terms of product, design and services. As our company slogan says, ‘Let’s close the loop!’”