ELIX Polymers obtains very positive results in its Climate Care and Sustainable Supply Chain programmes
ELIX Polymers closed 2024 with very positive results in terms of achieving the goals defined in their Climate Care and Sustainable Supply Chain programmes.
Climate Care programme:
• Reducing the environmental footprint by 15% (CO2 and fresh water).
✔️ ELIX has achieved the goal of reducing its carbon footprint by 15% compared to 2017, achieving a reduction of 38%. The main actions included:
- Energy Efficiency programme and electricity consumption with 100% renewable Guarantee of Origin.
- Introduction of more sustainable transport routes, such as road transport using HVO fuel. Improved reporting with the introduction of Short Sea routes with less environmental impact than Maritime routes.
✔️ ELIX has achieved the goal defined for 2024 on reducing water consumption (-13%) and is on track to achieve the goal set for 2025.
• Eliminating pellet losses in its operations.
✔️ In May 2024, ELIX obtained the Operation Clean Sweep certification from DQS.
• Reducing its vulnerability to climate change.
✔️ At the end of 2024, ELIX launched a study on the risks and opportunities for the company posed by climate change.
Responsible Supply Chain programme:
• Assessing 80% of its suppliers based on their environmental and social performance in 2025.
✔️ 70% of suppliers have shared their Ecovadis assessment with ELIX so that it can assess each supplier according to their ESG performance.
ELIX Polymers will continue developing initiatives that consolidate its commitment to sustainable development, achieving a positive impact on all of its stakeholders through a responsible, sustainable management strategy.