ELIX Polymers celebrates Safety Week with different collaborative spaces
As part of the ILO’s World Day for Safety and Health at Work today, April 28, ELIX celebrated SAFETY WEEK, with the main aim of reinforcing its commitment to complying with its values with respect to its employees.
In 2016, ELIX Polymers began an ambitious safety culture improvement project based in the organisation, the main aim of which is to attain a positive safety culture. In this regard, Judith Banus, SHE & Site Services Manager, explained: “The celebration of Safety Week is a complementary action for the project, which helps us involve employees to an even greater extent, and the various collaborative activities enable us to obtain key contributions from them in order to move forward in our strive for a consolidated safety culture”.
One of the most highly valued collaborative activities was the guided tour by ELIX employees, so that others could learn about the different work areas, in order to increase empathy and companionship among employees.
There were also activities aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles, such as the fresh fruit provided by the company all throughout the week, and the “Active breaks in the workplace” and “Laughter therapy” workshops. There was also a constructive debate on “Empowerment”, Active Theatre Sessions on Occupational Risk Prevention (photo), and the launch of the “Sharing sport” photography competition based on employees’ physical activity.
Over the course of the week, an award was presented to the employee who had participated the most in the “Unsafe Situation Warning” (ASI) programme, which recognises and encourages employee involvement and proactiveness in the continuous improvement of workplace safety conditions.
Furthermore, the first ever “Service Provider Company Safety award” was presented to BILFINGER INDUSTRIAL SERVICES SPAIN, S.A., as it obtained the best score in the 2016 Safety KPI Performance. This award is recognition of the implementation of good practices in the area of prevention.
“The celebration of Safety Week has been yet another step in introducing new activities that promote cultural change and an organisation of healthy habits. We are very satisfied with our employees’ participation in the various continuous improvement spaces and with the positive impact this had on them”, concluded Judith Banus, who together with her team was responsible for the successful organisation of the 2017 SAFETY WEEK at ELIX Polymers.
Among the ELIX Polymers corporate values, the most important are SAFETY, HEALTH of employees, and ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. With over 40 years of experience, this chemicals company works to guarantee safety in its production processes, providing a healthy work environment for its employees.